Why did you come to Fircroft? 

Wendy came to Fircroft by recommendation from a previous student. Wendy had never used a computer in her life and therefore was looking for a course that would maximise her ability to gain employment. At first, she was hesitant about joining due to her age as she didn’t believe a college would accept her. However, she built up the courage to come along to an Open Day and was amazed how well suited not only the course was but how the overall atmosphere of the college catered to her needs. Wendy now believes coming to Fircroft has completely changed her life for the better and that it has developed her confidence as an individual and she has a stronger mindset towards all the things she is able to achieve based on her new skills. 

The benefits

Wendy has been out of work for the past 29 years due to health problems. She previously worked for Cadbury’s but had to leave that position due to depression. She is now able to use software such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint which were programmes that were completely alien to Wendy prior to taking the Step Up to Succeed course. She can now write formal emails to recruiters and articulate herself confidently in interviews. In modules such as Confidence and Self-Esteem, Wendy developed her ability to be able to deliver presentations to a full room of people. Wendy also had never completed a formal online application process to secure a job. Since completing the course, Wendy has independently applied for several jobs. Wendy developed her confidence in conducting phone interviews, writing a CV, and filling out applications. 

What next?

Wendy aspires to become a Support Worker working with individuals who have experienced trauma in their lives once completing the course. Although she will have to undertake further training, she is confident that with all the knowledge she had acquired on the course, she can secure a job to support her whilst continuing studying. Whilst building her CV, Wendy quickly realised she had more experience than she originally thought. She is now confident for the future as she knows her previously limited IT skills will no longer be holding her back.